Police Prevent & Protect Fraud Officer

Chloe Rudd writes:

I am the Prevent & Protect Fraud Officer for Essex Police. I work as part of a joint team that deals with:
-          Fraud
-          Cybercrime
-          Organised Crime Groups
-          Gangs
-          Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
The aim of our team is to prevent people from becoming engaged in criminal activity, and to protect the people of Essex from becoming victims of crime.

From a Fraud perspective, I am keen to promote education and community engagement in order to raise awareness of Frauds and Scams and how people can protect themselves from falling victim to them.
I am assisted in this by three Fraud Coordinators: Nikki Doubleday (North Essex), Nikki Godfrey-Shaw (South Essex) and Caroline Plakhtienko (West Essex).
If you think we can assist you and your watch in raising awareness of Fraud, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you or someone you know is vulnerable and has been a victim of fraud, please call Essex Police on 101.

Report fraud or attempted fraud by contacting Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040”

Chloe Rudd Prevent & Protect Fraud Officer
Essex & Kent Serious Crime Directorate
Rayleigh Police Station

Email: [email protected]
Ext: 490312
Mob: 07966 476233