Photo of Hadleigh Castle

Clive Stewart Castle Point District Co-ordinator writes:-

Since the early weeks of October 2021 I took up the reins as District Co-ordinator  of Castle Point District  Neighbourhood Watch. 

Since then I created a weekly Castle Point District Neighbourhood Watch weekly newsletter ..yes  every week..including Bank Holidays and also Christmas and  New Year.

Now more than  one hundred and forty people living in Castle Point District receive it as well as those Co-ordinators who email to their NW members..

The response has been amazing especially  as I also created a six monthly newsletter  which is now being distributed to over 4,500  !!!

Over the many months I was delighted to hear from  many who wanted to be part of  their  local Neighbourhood Watch again and be  Co-ordinators too.

These Co-ordinators distribute whatever information they receive  from myself which is from reliable  sources eg The Police Fire & Crime Commissioner's Office , Essex Police, Crimestoppers, Essex Fire & Rescue Service and Victim Support  as they all work with Neighbourhood Watch to reduce the opportunity of crime ... 

May I give  very special thanks to Christopher Dolley for His Support for Neighbourhood Watch

In October 2021 I spoke to Christopher Dolley, who has  an excellent website , and he  agreed to raise the profile of Neighbourhood  Watch.
With his assistance we have been able to build up the membership  and it is very much appreciated.
I am willing to work with him to keep our community safe.
This is from Christopher for the those in Castle Point District.

    “Do you Love the street you are in?”
    For Castle Point there is a website: 
     It's purpose is to help promote a connected community throughout the Castle Point area.
    There is a lot of local useful information and advice.
    Also on the website are great suggestions on how to get connected and involved with your local community. 

My role as Castle Point Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator is to keep you up to date with Neighbourhood Watch information and supply you with NW items too eg window stickers, wheelie bin stickers, No Cold caller stickers, members guides and valid NW members badges, and many other items too. All free....

You may like to know that the weekly  newsletter is a summary of the Essex Police crime reports that I receive each week plus Neighbourhood Watch  information too. 

Essex Chief Constable Mr. B .J Harrington has told me that he wants to see an increase in Neighbourhood Watch  throughout Essex and also more street signs to be placed on appropriate posts as he believes that they do help to  reduce crime, so maybe I can help you with that ? Please contact me ...

Finally I was advised by many who replied to my email in October 2021 that they remember having newsletters to distribute and they collected them  from the Castle Point Borough Council Offices. 

Well I brought them back but they are now delivered to your door by Neighbourhood Watch  .....

So thank you all again. 

Finally if you know of anyone who is interested in being part of Castle Point District Neighbourhood Watch please  ask them to send me their full name and postal address to [email protected]

Regards Clive Stewart Castle Point District Co-ordinator



WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS-BY EMAIL ONLY..The distribution list grows most weeks which is great as it is  a summary of the Essex Police crime  reports covering Castle Point District.  If anyone would like to receive the newsletter  they need to contact me..see my details below.  The  crime reports I receive from Kevin Blake Essex Watch Liaison Officer and  they are very helpful keeping Neighbourhood Watch aware of  crimes so we can do what we can to reduce the opportunity of crime and be more effective in protecting our own property and helping those who may feel vulnerable to do the same . This newsletter is every week since October 2021…. 

SIX MONTHLY NEWSLETTER  The latest issue covers July to December 2024 and is  available both online and hard copy to distribute early July covering the next six months  . This newsletter’s main objective is to raise the profile of Neighbourhood Watch and explain who we work with as partners ie Essex Police, The Police Fire & Crime Commissioner’s office, Crimestoppers, Victim Support and also Essex Fire & Rescue Service and promotes the weekly newsletters  too.. .

 GENERAL ENQUIRIES TO BE PART OF NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH  In the past three months I have seen a  number of people who have registered with Neighbourhood Watch Network ( once known as National Neighbourhood Watch ) and that is fine..  However it is important to know that if ANYONE wants to be part of Neighbourhood Watch where they live and receive LOCAL Neighbourhood Watch information and FREE Neighbourhood Watch items they need to be approved by their local District Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator or their local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators..So when I see these registrations I email them and welcome them to Neighbourhood Watch and explain what we offer..It is hoped that the majority reply as I am  here to be of support and service on any Neighbourhood Watch matters. This helps to increase Neighbourhood Watch Membership in Castle Point District…

SPECIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH BADGES  Over the many years there are often enquiries of what any Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator can wear as an “ID”..well as we all know any “ID” can easily be created now ..So I have created and have available  NEW Castle Point District Neighbourhood Watch badges ..these identify that you are part of Neighbourhood Watch and are available from me ONLY..many have requested them and I am pleased that they are so popular. By the way the “old  3 cm “ badges are NOT valid in Essex as they can be purchased from any website whether you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch or not..  So please if you want to show that you are a genuine Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator or even just a member in Castle Point then contact me ..and I shall send you a badge.

FINALLY WE MUST NEVER FORGET Anyone  who do not have a need for a computer or access to the internet or may have difficulties in communication ie hard of hearing, visually impaired or may feel vulnerable ( whatever their age)  and they may  not know who and what to say to anyone to be part  of Neighbourhood Watch where they live.. We are here to give such persons information in a format that they may require to the best of our abilities..So please regularly advise everyone to look at Essex County Neighbourhood Watch  Association website  and look the main menu and click on  Taking Part and then scroll down to  the video…Please let everyone know that  we are there for them with information to help reduce the opportunity of crime together.. 

Clive Stewart, Castle Point District NW Co-ordinator Tel 0750 8057636 

Email [email protected]