Harlow Neighbourhood Watch

  •  We are a small group in Harlow that meet once every 2 months to discuss crime prevention, local issues and community engagement.

  •  We aim to attend the weekly Harlow Police street meets operated by the community safety and engagement officer, which are publicised via Harlow Police.
  •  We give out crime prevention (or reduction) items; contactless card protectors, purse bells, window stickers, UV pens.
  •  We source free booklets via Independent Age, and give these away; e.g home security, scamwise, home safety.
  •  Some local residents have taken the initiative to set up a Whatsapp group for their street and these work well for them.
  •  We provide wheelie bin stickers to local residents, which are very visible from the road, and these are used instead of, or alongside, street signage.
  •  We visit housing for older residents and attend resident association meetings to offer support and give away crime prevention items.
  • We work alongside the local council, residents’ associations, town centre management and Harlow Police to source info and support community safety, community voice and engagement.
  • We have a seat at the Harlow Police Independent Advisory Group.  All members with a valid email address receive a weekly report from Harlow police listing local crimes, and a thought-provoking weekly blog from a local resident.
  • We attend local events; Police open days, Hate Crime week, Police Street Meets.
  •  We enjoy supporting local residents to feel safer, more aware and better connected to their community.
  •  If you are interested in joining, it is free, we only ask for address details including an email address.
    We never ask for bank details or ask you to pay for our free crime prevention items that we give away.
  • The best way to contact us is to attend a weekly Harlow Police Street meet to enquire.
  • Otherwise if anyone is interested in being part of Neighbourhood Watch where they live in Harlow District please c

    an you send an email to [email protected]




  • We really appreciate the support and funding from Essex police and the PFCC. Without the funding we would not be able to give away the free crime prevention items to our members, and Harlow residents.
  • We currently give away these items with our member information pack; UV pens, purse bells, contactless card protectors, personal alarms, window stickers to prevent cold callers, inform of property marking and neighbourhood watch. We also give out wheelie bin A4 yellow stickers if a bin is visible at the front of the property.
  • We have a QR code that we use to sign up members online.
  • We will soon be displaying info about HNW in an empty shop window in the Harvey Centre shopping centre.
  • The Playhouse Theatre has kindly offered up a free meeting space to use for our quarterly meetings.
  • Fantastic support from some residents who give a lot of their time to support their own neighbours and the Harlow community.
  • 50 personal alarms given to a local women's refuge for domestic violence and abuse.
  • Funding secured from Neighbourhood Watch National.
  • Funding applied for from the PFCC.
  • Asda supermarket has agreed to host us in recruitment/info giving sessions.
  • Talks to local social groups at the GPCA.
  • Working with Harlow police at Let's Talk sessions throughout the town and the new project to help regenerate the Stow area.
  • Community policing team Inspector to attend our next Harlow Neighbourhood Watch meeting.
  • Attending the independent advisory group with Harlow Police.
  • Attending the Potter Street Fete on 27.5.24.
  • Available to attend events throughout the town.