Photo of Maldon Quay

Maldon and District Neighbourhood Watch

Maldon District NhW works closely and jointly with the Chelmsford District NhW, and together we coordinate the Neighbourhood Watches across the local authority districts of Maldon and Chelmsford City and District. We cover town and parishes of Maldon's District's extensive area and the parished and non-parished areas of Chelmsford City Council area. This combined area is the same as covered by the Essex Police Community Policing Team (CPT) with their Neighbourhood Watch Liaison Officers.

We need local residents in the town and parishes to join. Please contact our combined district chair, Steve, on [email protected].

You can find more information at


The districts of Chelmsford and Maldon work closely together for Neighbourhood Watch, the same area covered by the Community Policing Team (CPT).

We have close and cooperative working arrangements with the Essex Police Neighbourhood Watch liaison officers and with the CPT. Our two CPT Police/Neighbourhood Watch police liaison officers give excellent support, and the Community Safety team from Chelmsford City Council and Maldon District Council work closely with us.  Across the two areas, we have many strong and active local Watches, both in urban areas and rural. We have combined district meetings every two months, and we have a WhatsApp group for communicating across local Watches.  We also have a variety of ways of communicating with the police, enabling us to provide information from localities to assist the police to help us.  The area is relatively a low crime area, but we do face a variety of challenges in some of our communities, including some specific problems of rural crime.  By working together across neighbourhoods and with the police and council teams we can help minimise these challenges.

If you are in a locality without Neighbourhood Watch activity, or you wish to find out more, please get in touch with us: see




Photo of barges on Maldon quay