
Some facts about our area will show the problems that we face in running Thurrock NHW, with a population of 238,000 residents with a high male rate of around 2 to one, a fast growing young family catchment area of Chafford Hundred, the vast growing shopping facilities at Lakeside, the Tilbury docks and the new Container project, the building of 20,000 new homes and the M25 all add up to a recipe for potential crime.
We have 20 wards in Thurrock and our Watches are run alongside the wards. The Watches are controlled by a Steering group that meets once a month.
We have joint use of a Police Liaison Officer, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer. Secretary, Fund raiser and a standing committee of 7.
In the current year we have formed around 40 new watches and attend many events run by the Community and awareness day at the local supermarkets.
We have been recently asked to be involved in an awareness project with the Essex Fire Safety Team at Grays Fire Station.
We are also heavily involved in supporting local elderly resident’s complexes.
We are very keen to recruit more Street Coordinators in the very versatile and expanding borough.
Roger Passfield
Email Address [email protected]
(Also Vice chairman Essex County NHW and Essex County Coordinator)
Vice Chairman : George Young
Secretary & Treasurer: Peter Eates